Friday, September 21, 2007

Battle 1C

This scenario is for Mike's Orks and Poney's Witch Hunters/Sisters of Battle.


Scenario 1C: Defense of the Shrine
En route to Dalyth Prime, the Sisters of Battle paused to seek the blessing of Saint Agatha. Fascinated by large, dangerous objects, Mad Mack's Waaagh closes in to "investigate."
Orc Briefing Witch Hunters Briefing
Oi! Dese Gurlz iz right kitted out fer sum DAKKA! Bash 'em up an' suss out more tingz ta krump up. Saint Agatha's holy ground must not be defiled by these xenos filth. Let all be cleansed.
  1. Set up the terrrain as normal with a building representing the shrine set in the exact center of the table. The shrine should be roughly 6" by 6".
  2. The defender sets up one Troops choice and one Heavy Support Choice anywhere within 12" of the shrine, and one HQ choice inside the shrine. The remainder of her army is placed in reserve.
  3. The attacker then splits his entire army into two forces of roughly equal points value. These are whole units and cannot be split between forces. One attacking force deploys within 12" of one of the short table edges and the other within 12" of the opposite short board edge. No attacking units may deploy within 18" of any of the defender's units.
  4. The defender has the first turn.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Both sides choose a 1,500 point force using the Raid Force Organization Chart on page 192 of the 40K Rulebook.
(i.e., Orks Req: 1HQ, 1EL; Orks Opt: 1 HQ, 2 EL, 5TR, 3FA, 1HS; Sisters Req: 2TR; Sisters Opt: 1HQ, 1EL, 4TR, 1FA, 2HS).

Reserves, Deep Strike.
Mission Objective: Capture the Shrine
The attacker must capture the shrine; the defender must prevent him. If only one player has models in the shrine at the end of the game, that player wins. If neither, the game is a draw. If both players have models in the shrine, fight a special round of close combat to determine who controls it. In this round, all models in the shrine fight with their full number of attacks, and no models count as charging or in cover. The winner captures the shrine and wins the game. If combat is tied, additional rounds are fought until one side is wiped out or wins a round, the shrine, and the game.
Reserves: The defender's Reserves can move on from either long board edge. Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table. The table should include at least 25% terrain.
Line of Retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the board edge they deployed from. Defenders who deployed in or near the shrine fall back toward the nearest long table edge, using the normal Fall Back rules.

Battle 1B

This scenario is for Daniel's Chaos forces and Aaron's Marines.


Scenario 1B: The Fall of a Chapter
With landfall on Dalyth Prime, the taint of Chaos spread quickly. Whatever its cause, it soon erupted into open revolt. Among the loyal marines, surprise became righteous rage.
Chaos Briefing Marines Briefing
The gullible slaves of the false Emperor have stumbled into your sights. You know what to do. These once proud servants of the Imperium have been infected with the stain of Chaos. Do what must be done.
  1. Players roll off, and the winner chooses a long table edge as deployment zone. His opponent gets the opposite edge.
  2. Starting with the player that rolled lower, the players take turns deploying a unit at a time in their deployment zone until all available models are on the tabletop. No unit may be deployed within 24" of the enemy or more than 15" from their own long table edge. Players deploy their units in the following order-- Heavy Support first, then Troops, followed by Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.
  3. Players each roll a d6. High score may choose to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Both sides choose a 1,500 point force using the standard force organization chart.

Alpha: None. Gamma: Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk & Dawn, Victory Points.
Mission Objective: Annihilation
For an Alpha mission, the player with the most scoring units is the winner. For Gamma, Victory Points are used. Note that for Annihilation missions, you score VP for enemy units as normal, as well as receiving the points value of any scoring units you have left.
Reserves: All reserves enter play from their deployment zone's board edge. Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table. The table should include at least 25% terrain.
Line of Retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal Fall Back rules.

Battle 1A

Here is an attempt to detail the first of the Battle Briefings in the Campaign for Dalyth Prime. This one's for Marcellus and Gordon.


Scenario 1A: The Assault on Central Maglev One
The Space Marines landed on the eastern seaboard of the main landmass of Dalyth Prime and had to secure it quickly before the Tau defenders knew what was happening. This scenario depicts their advance to capture their main objective, the Central Maglev Facility!
Marines Briefing Tau Empire Briefing
The capture of the maglev is crucial to the entire campaign. With a small elite group, you must storm the maglev and capture it from enemy hands. Your forces must all be capable of arrival via Drop Pod or Deep Strike. Outnumbered and surprised, you must defend the central maglev facility to the last man, long enough for local reserves to arrive.
  1. The Defender places the maglev near the center of his own long table edge, within 12" of that edge.
  2. The Defender splits his army using the Divided Force special rule. The passive Force plays no part in the game.
  3. The Defender deploys his active force up to half way across the table using the Hidden Setup rules. He also places obstacles in his deployment zone. He may leave any Deep Striking units in reserve.
  4. The Attacker splits his army using the Divided Force special rule.
  5. The Attacker get first turn and his active force arrives via Deep Strike. Next, the defender reveals his hidden set-up markers.
  6. The Attacker's passive force arrives in turn 4 via Deep Strike.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Marines (Attackers) - Choose a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organisation Chart, but all choices must be capable of Deep Strike or Drop Pod Arrival.

Tau Empire (defenders) - Choose a 1500 pt army using the Standard Force Organisation Chart.

Deep Strike, Hidden Set-Up, Obstacles, Random Game Length, Divided Force.
Mission Objective
The attacker must eliminate the holding forces quickly. The defender must stall for reinforcements.
If the defender has any scoring units more than 12" from any table edge at the end of the game then he wins. If he does not and the attacker has at least one scoring unit left the attacker has won. Any other result is a draw.
Reserves: All Marine reserves enter play via Deep Strike. Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns (Variable) Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table. Litter the table with Cities of Death ruins - the initial bombardment has inflicted serious damage to the area. Leave enough room on the Tau table edge to place the central maglev facility.
Line of Retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal Fall Back rules.

Welcome to Battle Briefings

This section of Blogger will host the Battle Briefings for the Dalyth Prime campaign, being played out by Adeptus Astragalactica (CXI) in Austin, Texas, in the fall of 2007. It's built around the Damocles Sector Crusades from the first Codex: Tau, pp60ff. There will be five main rounds of battles (games of 1500 - 2000 points), and four rounds of small games, consisting of Kill Team missions of Combat patrol. Each player will player each other player once in a big battle, and should be attacker half the time, defender half the time. The third round is Cityfight, in which Attacker/Defender is less pronoounced a difference. Anyway, this is the first campaign I've written for 40K, and hope it goes well. We'll try to have fun, at any rate!