Thursday, November 15, 2007

Round Five, Battle Three

This is for Daniel's Chaos Space Marines, attacking Mike's Orks.


Scenario 5C: Patrol
The fallen servants of Lucius have stumbled upon a foe worth fighting: the Ork invaders of Waaaagh Macks. Let the revels begin!
Chaos Briefing Ork Briefing
Behold! Something finally worthy of killing. Call the revellers and let the play begin! Wotz diss? Warpbeekiez? Oi! Get 'em!!!
  1. Each player rolls a d6, with the winer choosing a long board edge or corner as his deployment zone. Units may deploy up to 12" onto the board. If at a corner, units may deploy up to halfway along each board edge. The opponent gets the opposite edge or corner, so that each starts in opposite corners, or along oposite edges.
  2. Each player rolls a d6, and the loser deploys one unit of Troops as his Patrol. the winner then deploys a unit of Troops in his own deployment zone. The rest of their forces are in Reserve. Remember Ork Infiltration effects from the small battle.
  3. Each player rolls a d6. High score chooses whether to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organization Chart (BGB, 78).

Random Game Length, Reserves, Victory Points.
Mission Objective
Both players must attempt to eliminate the enemy without losing too much of their own strength. The player with the highest victory points total wins the game.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns. Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat:Troops fall back toward their closest deployment board edge.

Round Five, Battle Two

This battle is for Poney's Sisters' attack on Gordon's Tau.


Scenario 5B: Hold At All Costs
The Xenos scum controlling this Emperor's planet have sent spies and provocateurs to the Canoness herself, to tempt her from the path. Strike the head of this serpent, and finish this sordid task.
Witch Hunters Briefing Tau Briefing
You have finally located enemy HQ. One swift stroke should end this grueling campaign once and for all. The Gue'la of the Scarlet Cranium have finally agreed to a parley. Maintain proper security, so that this needless conflict may be ended, once and for all.
  1. Choose and objective as close as possible to the center of the table.
  2. The Tau defender deploys any of his Troops and Heavy Support within 12" of the objective. He does not have to deploy all of these units, but must deploy at least one. The rest of his forces are in Reserve.
  3. The Sisters Attacker deploys her Infiltrators. The rest of her forces move onto the table at the beginning of turn one.
  4. The Attacker moves first.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Battles Force Organization Chart (BGB, 78). The Attacker must field 1 Headquarters, 1 Troops and 1 Heavy Suport, and may also field 1 Headquarters, 3 Elites, 5 Troops, 3 Fast Attack, and 2 Heavy Support. The Defender must field 1 Headquarters and 2 Troops, and may also field 2 Elites, 4 Troops, 1 Fast Attack, and 3 Heavy Support.

Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Random Game Length, Reserves. Sisters are down 3 Faith Points due to loss of Battle 4C.
Mission Objective
The player that controls the objective at the end of the game wins the battle. To control the objective, you must have the closest scoring unit to the objective at the end of the game.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns. Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with plenty of Cities of Death ruins. Select a suitable ruin to represent Aun HQ.
Line of Retreat:Troops fall back toward their deployment board edge.

Round Five, Battle One

This mission is for Aaron's Marines, attacking Marcellus' Marines.


Scenario 5A: Take and Hold
Two of the three chapters of Marines to make landfall on Dalyth Prime have retained purity, and the great assault on Gel'Bryn, prime urban stronghold of the Tau, will be breaking soon. Who shall lead the assault?
Marines Briefing Starhammers Briefing
Loyal Battlebrothers they may be; the right of priority is yours. Let them know it. Space Marines are all servants of the Emperor, yet not all know the disciplne and sacrifice of the Grand Satrap. Teach them respect.
  1. Each player rolls a d6, high roll picking a long talbe edge on which to deploy. Low roll gets the opposite edge.
  2. Starting with the high roll, players take turns deploying units in this order: Heavy Support, Troops, Elites, Headquarters, Fast Attack. No unit may deploy more than 12" from its own long table edge.
  3. Each roll a d6. High roll chooses whether to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organization Chart (BGB, 78).

Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk & Dawn, Victory Points.
Mission Objective: Field of Battle
The center of the battlefield must be secured. You score Victory Points as normal for destroying or decimating enemy units. In addition, you score VP equal to the points value of each scoring unit entirely within 12" of the centerpoint at the end of the game.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns. REMEMBER TO ROLL FOR DUSK & DAWN! Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat:Troops fall back toward their deployment board edge.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Round Four, Battle Three

This battle is for Poney and Aaron.


Scenario 4C: Cleanse
With the stain of Chaos spattered across the fabric of the crusade, the Sisters of the Crimson Skull must ensure that the remaining Marine chapter is pure.
Sisters Briefing Marines Briefing
This is the last of the Marines to be examined. All who fall short of the Emperor's strictures must be purged. Sudden fire from Imperial troops? Clear treachery, and it must be suppressed once and for all.
  1. Divide the board into four quarters. Each roll a d6, high roll picking a quarter in which to deploy. Low roll gets the opposite quarter.
  2. Starting with the low roll, players take turns deploying units in this order: Heavy Support, Troops, Elites, Headquarters, Fast Attack. No unit may deploy within 18" of the enemy, nor within 6" of table center at the start of the game.
  3. Each roll a d6. High roll chooses whether to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organization Chart (BGB, 78).

Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk & Dawn, Victory Points.
Mission Objective: Table quarters
Both forces seek to clear the enemy from the area. To control a table quarter, there must be NO enemy scoring units, and at least one scoring unit of your own in that quarter. A unit can only occupy a single quarter. If it straddles the line, roll randomly to see which quarter it occupies. Your own deployment quarter is worth no Victory Points. The enemy deployment quarter is worth 750 VP. Each neutral quarter is worth 375 VP. In addition, damaged enemy units are worth normal VP.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns. REMEMBER TO ROLL FOR DUSK & DAWN! Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat:Troops fall back toward the nearest board edge within their deployment quarter.

Round Four, Battle Two

This mission is for Mike's Orks and Gordon's Tau.


Scenario 4B: Breakout
With Imperials putting ever mounting pressure on the Tau forces, the defenders of Dalyth Prime must turn their attention to a new enemy.
Tau Briefing Ork Briefing
A new enemy has joined the invasion. It must be contained and put down quickly, or Dalyth will be overwhelmed. Oi!!! Deez ain't beekiez and dey ain't panzees, neiver! But dem flittycars iz tryin' to hem in da boyz fer da kill. GET 'EM!!!
  1. Number the short board edges 1 and 2. The Tau player must split his force into two parts, one for each short board edge. Each force must contain whole units. Number these forces 1 and 2 to match the board edges. Elites need not be allocated to an edge.
  2. The Ork forces deploy in the deployment center, 6" in from the long edges, and 12" wide along the center (see map, BGB 213).
  3. The Tau player deploys his units. They may not be within 18" of an enemy unit, and must be closer to their allocated short edge than to the other short edge.
  4. The Tau player now places his Elites anywhere on the board not within 18" of an Ork unit.
  5. Roll a d6. On a 1, the Tau go first; on a 2+, the Orks go first.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Breakthrough Chart (BGB, 192). Tau Defenders must field 2 TR, and may field 1 HQ, 2 EL, 4TR, 1 FA, 2 HS. Ork Attackers must field 1EL, 1TR, and may also field 2 HQ, 1 EL, 4 TR, 3 FA, and 3 HS.

No Special Rules.
Mission Objective: Escape!
The Ork attacker must get as many units off the board as he can. If he manages to get at least half of the units in his force off either short board edge, or up to 12" along the long talbe edges from each corner, he wins. A unit with any survivors or a damaged vehicle still counts toward this. If the attacker does not win, the defender wins.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat: Tau Troops fall back normally. Ork units fall back toward the center. Once they reach board center they regroup automatically regardless of any considerations (numbers, proximity, etc), as the situation is that desperate.

Round Four, Battle One

This mission is for Marcellus and Daniel.


Scenario 4A: Secure and Control
With Imperial reinforcements and resupply more promise than reality, the Starhammers and the Fallen Marines find themselves battling over dwindling supplies.
Astromalleus Briefing Chaos Briefing
To have to scrounge for the last few crates of ammo is bad enough. To have to fight for them is intolerable. Ah, a few remaining crates of ammunition and equipment! And damned if the Loyalists don't show up right on cue to steal them!
  1. Place Loot counters on the battelfield, as described in the mission objective below.
  2. Roll a d6, with high roll choosing a long table edge for deployment.
  3. Starting with the high roller, players take turns deploying units, in this order: Heavy, Troops, Elite, HQ, Fast Attack. No unit may deploy more than 12" from the player's long table edge.
  4. Each player rolls a d6. High roller may choose to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organisation Chart.

Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk and Dawn, Victory Points.
Mission Objective: Loot!
Using D3+2 Loot counters, each player alternates placing a loot counter until they are all on the table. Roll off for first placement. Counters may not be in impassable terrain, nor within 12" of a table edge, nor of another counter. At game end, you control a counter if you have at least one scoring unit, and no enemy scoring units, within 6" of it. Each Loot counter is worth (1500 divided by the number of couters) Victory Points.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal Fall Back rules.