Thursday, October 4, 2007

Round Two, Battle One

This summary will follow. It's a Standard Secure and Control Mission with no surprises. Mike is attacking, Marcellus defending.


Scenario 2A: Secure and Control
Fresh from their bewildering encounter with the Sisters, Waaagh Macks is sure something big is in the offing. Now, to grab some guns and get to the big scrum before the fun's all over with!
Ork Briefing Marine Briefing
Oi! Deez 'ere Beekiez got lotza dakka in dem crates and such. Grab all yaz can, an' zog off back to da 'ulk before da Funder'awks gitz 'ere! Orkoid marauders have made an incursion at a vital supply depot. Put down this momentary distraction so that your holy Crusade in the Damocles Sector may be resupplied on schedule.
  1. Place Loot Counters on the battlefield as described in the Mission Objective below.
  2. Players roll off, with the winner choosing long table edge for his deployment zone. His opponent gets the opposite long edge.
  3. Starting with the player that scored highest, players take tuns deploying a unit at a time in the following order: Heavy Support, Troops, Elites, Headquarters, and Fast Attack. No unit may be deployed more than 12" from their long table edge.
  4. Each player rolls a D6. High score may choose whether to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side may choose a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organisation Chart.

Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk & Dawn, Victory Points.
Mission Objective: Loot
The items to be secured are represented by a total of D3+2 Loot Counters. Each player alternates placing a loot counter until they are all on the table. Counters may not be placed in impassable terrain, nor within 12" of a table edge or another counter.
At the end of the game you control a loot counter if there is at least one of your scoring units, and no enemy scoring unit, within 6" of it.
As this is a Gamma mission, each Loot counter is worth (1500 divided by the number of counters) Victory Points.
Reserves: When available, reserves move on from the board edge of the player's deployment zone. Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain. Much of this should ideally be vehicular wreckage, as the Orks have blown up a few vehicles (even their own!) on their way to the raid.
Line of Retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal Fall Back rules.

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