Thursday, November 15, 2007

Round Five, Battle Two

This battle is for Poney's Sisters' attack on Gordon's Tau.


Scenario 5B: Hold At All Costs
The Xenos scum controlling this Emperor's planet have sent spies and provocateurs to the Canoness herself, to tempt her from the path. Strike the head of this serpent, and finish this sordid task.
Witch Hunters Briefing Tau Briefing
You have finally located enemy HQ. One swift stroke should end this grueling campaign once and for all. The Gue'la of the Scarlet Cranium have finally agreed to a parley. Maintain proper security, so that this needless conflict may be ended, once and for all.
  1. Choose and objective as close as possible to the center of the table.
  2. The Tau defender deploys any of his Troops and Heavy Support within 12" of the objective. He does not have to deploy all of these units, but must deploy at least one. The rest of his forces are in Reserve.
  3. The Sisters Attacker deploys her Infiltrators. The rest of her forces move onto the table at the beginning of turn one.
  4. The Attacker moves first.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Battles Force Organization Chart (BGB, 78). The Attacker must field 1 Headquarters, 1 Troops and 1 Heavy Suport, and may also field 1 Headquarters, 3 Elites, 5 Troops, 3 Fast Attack, and 2 Heavy Support. The Defender must field 1 Headquarters and 2 Troops, and may also field 2 Elites, 4 Troops, 1 Fast Attack, and 3 Heavy Support.

Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Random Game Length, Reserves. Sisters are down 3 Faith Points due to loss of Battle 4C.
Mission Objective
The player that controls the objective at the end of the game wins the battle. To control the objective, you must have the closest scoring unit to the objective at the end of the game.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns. Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with plenty of Cities of Death ruins. Select a suitable ruin to represent Aun HQ.
Line of Retreat:Troops fall back toward their deployment board edge.

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