Friday, November 2, 2007

Round Four, Battle One

This mission is for Marcellus and Daniel.


Scenario 4A: Secure and Control
With Imperial reinforcements and resupply more promise than reality, the Starhammers and the Fallen Marines find themselves battling over dwindling supplies.
Astromalleus Briefing Chaos Briefing
To have to scrounge for the last few crates of ammo is bad enough. To have to fight for them is intolerable. Ah, a few remaining crates of ammunition and equipment! And damned if the Loyalists don't show up right on cue to steal them!
  1. Place Loot counters on the battelfield, as described in the mission objective below.
  2. Roll a d6, with high roll choosing a long table edge for deployment.
  3. Starting with the high roller, players take turns deploying units, in this order: Heavy, Troops, Elite, HQ, Fast Attack. No unit may deploy more than 12" from the player's long table edge.
  4. Each player rolls a d6. High roller may choose to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organisation Chart.

Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk and Dawn, Victory Points.
Mission Objective: Loot!
Using D3+2 Loot counters, each player alternates placing a loot counter until they are all on the table. Roll off for first placement. Counters may not be in impassable terrain, nor within 12" of a table edge, nor of another counter. At game end, you control a counter if you have at least one scoring unit, and no enemy scoring units, within 6" of it. Each Loot counter is worth (1500 divided by the number of couters) Victory Points.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal Fall Back rules.

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