Thursday, November 15, 2007

Round Five, Battle One

This mission is for Aaron's Marines, attacking Marcellus' Marines.


Scenario 5A: Take and Hold
Two of the three chapters of Marines to make landfall on Dalyth Prime have retained purity, and the great assault on Gel'Bryn, prime urban stronghold of the Tau, will be breaking soon. Who shall lead the assault?
Marines Briefing Starhammers Briefing
Loyal Battlebrothers they may be; the right of priority is yours. Let them know it. Space Marines are all servants of the Emperor, yet not all know the disciplne and sacrifice of the Grand Satrap. Teach them respect.
  1. Each player rolls a d6, high roll picking a long talbe edge on which to deploy. Low roll gets the opposite edge.
  2. Starting with the high roll, players take turns deploying units in this order: Heavy Support, Troops, Elites, Headquarters, Fast Attack. No unit may deploy more than 12" from its own long table edge.
  3. Each roll a d6. High roll chooses whether to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organization Chart (BGB, 78).

Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk & Dawn, Victory Points.
Mission Objective: Field of Battle
The center of the battlefield must be secured. You score Victory Points as normal for destroying or decimating enemy units. In addition, you score VP equal to the points value of each scoring unit entirely within 12" of the centerpoint at the end of the game.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns. REMEMBER TO ROLL FOR DUSK & DAWN! Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat:Troops fall back toward their deployment board edge.

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