Thursday, November 15, 2007

Round Five, Battle Three

This is for Daniel's Chaos Space Marines, attacking Mike's Orks.


Scenario 5C: Patrol
The fallen servants of Lucius have stumbled upon a foe worth fighting: the Ork invaders of Waaaagh Macks. Let the revels begin!
Chaos Briefing Ork Briefing
Behold! Something finally worthy of killing. Call the revellers and let the play begin! Wotz diss? Warpbeekiez? Oi! Get 'em!!!
  1. Each player rolls a d6, with the winer choosing a long board edge or corner as his deployment zone. Units may deploy up to 12" onto the board. If at a corner, units may deploy up to halfway along each board edge. The opponent gets the opposite edge or corner, so that each starts in opposite corners, or along oposite edges.
  2. Each player rolls a d6, and the loser deploys one unit of Troops as his Patrol. the winner then deploys a unit of Troops in his own deployment zone. The rest of their forces are in Reserve. Remember Ork Infiltration effects from the small battle.
  3. Each player rolls a d6. High score chooses whether to go first or second.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Standard Force Organization Chart (BGB, 78).

Random Game Length, Reserves, Victory Points.
Mission Objective
Both players must attempt to eliminate the enemy without losing too much of their own strength. The player with the highest victory points total wins the game.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns. Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat:Troops fall back toward their closest deployment board edge.

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