Friday, November 2, 2007

Round Four, Battle Two

This mission is for Mike's Orks and Gordon's Tau.


Scenario 4B: Breakout
With Imperials putting ever mounting pressure on the Tau forces, the defenders of Dalyth Prime must turn their attention to a new enemy.
Tau Briefing Ork Briefing
A new enemy has joined the invasion. It must be contained and put down quickly, or Dalyth will be overwhelmed. Oi!!! Deez ain't beekiez and dey ain't panzees, neiver! But dem flittycars iz tryin' to hem in da boyz fer da kill. GET 'EM!!!
  1. Number the short board edges 1 and 2. The Tau player must split his force into two parts, one for each short board edge. Each force must contain whole units. Number these forces 1 and 2 to match the board edges. Elites need not be allocated to an edge.
  2. The Ork forces deploy in the deployment center, 6" in from the long edges, and 12" wide along the center (see map, BGB 213).
  3. The Tau player deploys his units. They may not be within 18" of an enemy unit, and must be closer to their allocated short edge than to the other short edge.
  4. The Tau player now places his Elites anywhere on the board not within 18" of an Ork unit.
  5. Roll a d6. On a 1, the Tau go first; on a 2+, the Orks go first.
white dice
Game Size Scenario Special Rules
Each side chooses a 1,500 pt army using the Breakthrough Chart (BGB, 192). Tau Defenders must field 2 TR, and may field 1 HQ, 2 EL, 4TR, 1 FA, 2 HS. Ork Attackers must field 1EL, 1TR, and may also field 2 HQ, 1 EL, 4 TR, 3 FA, and 3 HS.

No Special Rules.
Mission Objective: Escape!
The Ork attacker must get as many units off the board as he can. If he manages to get at least half of the units in his force off either short board edge, or up to 12" along the long talbe edges from each corner, he wins. A unit with any survivors or a damaged vehicle still counts toward this. If the attacker does not win, the defender wins.
Recon Report
Game Length: Six Turns Fight this scenario on a 6' x 4' table, with at least 25% terrain coverage.
Line of Retreat: Tau Troops fall back normally. Ork units fall back toward the center. Once they reach board center they regroup automatically regardless of any considerations (numbers, proximity, etc), as the situation is that desperate.

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